
Kirby with headphones


Banjo Kazooie

⏳ 1 minutes

Banjo Tried this on the Xbox One Rare Replay, but stopped before the end. So I tried to finish it as a podcast game. I got to where I stopped ...until I accidentally deleted my save file. So I had to do it all over again.

Kirby Plush

⏳ 1 minutes


My Haro Model

⏳ 1 minutes


New Game

⏳ 1 minutes

Screenshot of the game I made a new videogame! A simple space shooter to learn Gamemaker Studio 2.

My theory on how Among Us rose to popularity

⏳ 1 minutes

This is me writing out a series of patterns that I observed when Among Us rose in popularity and fitting them together. This is how a flash game made one of the biggest games of 2020.

Bonsai Barber

⏳ 1 minutes

Bonsai Barber Title Screen


⏳ 1 minutes

The following video is the reason I wanted to have a blog.

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