
Kirby with headphones



Laptop on Linux Mint desktop

TuxTop: Thinkpad - Linux Mint

Steam Deck with emulation collection

Steam Deck - CryoUtilities - Decky Plugins - EmuDeck



Wii 2 HDMI

Wii 2 HDMI

HDD plugged into Wii


Wii on BootMii screen

BootMii and Priiloader brick protection

Wii Menu

Online with RiiConnect24

Other page of Wii menu

Japanese Wii Channels online with WiiLink

Homebrew Channel Menu

Homebrew Channel

USB Loader GX Menu

Games loaded off HDD with USB Loader GX - Removed anti-flicker filter and stretching - RiiTag tracked

Wii SD Menu with WiiWare Games

WiiWare games installed to SD card

Wii U with HDD plugged in

Wii U - 1TB External HDD

Wii U with Gamepad, showing homebrew apps

Modded - Online with Pretendo - Aroma and Tiramisu environments

Wii U Fit Meter

Fit Meter


New 3DS XL - Modded - Online with Pretendo

N3DS with splash screen

Custom boot screen - random menu themes, including custom

N3DS running TWiLight Menu++

DS games installed to SD and launched with TWiLight Menu++


PlayStation Vita 1000 - Modded - SD2Vita


PSP 1000 - Hacked - Plugin used to allow categories for games

Playdate with Cover

Playdate and cover

Kirby (Smash), Pikachu (Smash), Inkling (Girl, Splatoon 1), Tom Nook (New Leaf)

amiibo collection

Victoria, Lily, Deirdre, Frank, Astrid, Daisy, Diva, Friga, Baabara, Miranda, Timmy, Cyrus

Animal Crossing amiibo cards


Kirby Plush

Little Buddy Kirby Plush

Slime Dragon Quest Plush

Slime from Dragon Quest (Large)

Axolotl Plush

Mexican Salamander Axolotl Plush

Orangs Squid-like Plush

Squishmallow Plush (Veronica)

Pillow shaped dog plush

Soft Dog Plush Thing

Pikachu Cross Stich

Small Pikachu Cross Stich

Lilleplutt cat plush

IKEA Lilleplutt

Cat Plush with closed eyes

Cat Plush

Figures and Other


Assembled Haro Model (I have never watched Gundam)

Haro in Ball Form

Ball Form

Gundam SD Model

Gundam SD Model

Whimsicott Diorama in Transperant Pokeball

Whimsicott Diorama from blind box

Creeper face (with keychain), Bell Bag from Animal Crossing, Space Invader (Orange, with keychain)

Bought Perler Bead crafts

Eggman Figure


Eggman and Metal Sonic shiny cards

Collectible cards from figure

Miniature wooden house

Wooden house - handcrafted from kit


Baba Is You fanart. Baba, Keke, Key, and Flag represented as blobs of color on a black background.

Baba Is You fanart I once drew

Doodle of Nubert

Nubert doodle

