What some might call "content". I only add ones that I eagerly follow or think are worthy of recommending, so the ★ system doesn't apply here.
A MegaCollection
- SiIvaGunner: Many have been fooled by their high-quality videogame rips. (Website) (Bandcamp) (Neocities page, don't know if official)
- minimme: Super obscure games.
- ThorHighHeels: Odd games. Fantastic aesthetic.
- Nitro Rad: Videogame Youtuber. Does 3D platformers and horror games.
- Ahoy: Various retrospectives on old games. Fantastic style reminiscent of old Atari boxart.
- ClassicsOfGame: Classic Games out of context. Sporadically uploads, then becomes inactive
- Atari Archive: History of early videogames, one 2600 release at a time. (Website)
- PandaMonium Reviews Every U.S. Saturn Game: Extremely thourough documentaries.
- Summoning Salt: Documentaries on speedrunning.
- AsumSaus: Deep dives into Melee.
- Hunter R.: Animal Crossing obscurities.
- decino: Examinations of the mechanics of Doom.
- ThaRixer: PS2 speedrun documentaries.
- Maximum: Flash game speedrun histories.
- Highlight Reel: Weekly compilations of game glitches and moments.
- RebelTaxi: Videos on animated cartoons and old games. Y2K Aesthetic.
- 4096: Phenomenal transitions.
- Tool Assisted Speedrun Clips (@toolassistedspeedrunclips): No context clips from Tool-Assisted Speedruns. Inactive.
Blogs and Newsletters
- Read Only Memo: The latest news from the world of emulation.
- Critical Distance: Curated videogame articles and videos.
- Bad Game Hall of Fame: Sincere examinations of bad games.
- Legends of Localization: All about video game translation.
- 50 Years of Text Games: Newsletter about text games and interactive fiction. Completed, now with book.
- The Obscuritory: Lesser-known games.
- Garbage Day: Newsletter about the internet.
- The History Of The Web: Every entry adds to a timeline.
- 30pin: Online magazine about consumer technology. Currently inactive.
- The Shrieking Shack (Shriekcast): Formerly a critical and funny analysis and re-read on the Harry Potter series that actually holds its feet to the fire. The reason I signed up on Patreon. Completed, also read through Twilight and Midnight Sun. Sometimes drops episodes on other books and movies.
- Homestuck Made This World: Homestuck contextualized and re-read through the lens of its impact. Completed, currently going through bonus episodes (Patreon-locked) and Undertale Lets Play (Youtube). I read along with the unofficial collection[mentioned here]. (Companion Tumblr with fanart mentioned in the show) (Tumblr explorer organized by partisode) (All summaries, up to Intermission 2) (Youtube video of all summaries, complete)
- Bullet Time: A Youtube video essayist and friends explore old mid-tier/obscure FPSes.
- Something Rotten: Violent, disgusting games.
- The Content Mines: Behind the curtain of modern internet platforms. Cancelled. Part of Garbage Day (mentioned above). (Substack powered website)
Suggest more in the comments!