- Hosting by Neocities
- Site built in Visual Studio Code
- Made with the Eleventy static site generator (templating done with Nunjucks)
- Background made in Doodad.dev
- Social icons by Font Awesome
- Favicon made with Dynamic Drive's Favicon Editor
- Images compressed with TinyPNG
- Badges from Web Badges World
- 88x31 buttons from various sources
- Hit and visit counters and mobile optimization both based on tutorials by Dannarchy
- Fonts: Served from Google Fonts, Roboto Mono for code
- Site repository backed up on Github and autodeploying with Deploy to Neocities action
- Guestbook by Atabook
- Chatbox by Chattable
- Real time users counter by Real Time Users
- Increment button by easrng
- Internet mood by imood
- I have a tamaNOTchi (please click to feed it)
- I also have a wobble
- This site uses Ad Block Bar
- The cat is a WebNeko (neon color, try clicking on it)
- Live clock from Time.is
- Countdown based on this
- Analytics by GoatCounter
- Preloading with instant.page
- Blog comments by CommentBox.io
- Webmentions with Webmention.io
- Eleventy plugins used:
- RSS with RSS Plugin
- Blog post dates generated with Luxon
- Post excerpts with Blog Tools
- Reader Bar
- Read Time with Emoji Read Time
- Blog Embeds with eleventy-plugin-embed-everything and eleventy-plugin-unfurl
- Tag Cloud
- Emoji
- Webmention count with eleventy-plugin-webmentions
- Hotline Webring button on the homepage footer made by me using Glimpse Image Editor and Ezgif
- Gifypet by Melonking
- Slime gif on Gifypet also by me, also using Ezgif
- hiccupFX.js is used somewhere, and delivered via cdnjs